Pointed towards the sun
Common Hawkweed and solar panels pointing towards the last rays of sunlight
Author: Phil WAHLBRINK, Phil Wahlbrink
©2020Phil Wahlbrink
File state: Proof
Photo, image, picture size: 26.0 Mpixels (74.5 MB uncompressed) - 4167x6250 pixels (13.9x20.8 in / 35.3x52.9 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo, image, picture keywords: Autumn, botanical, Brittany, Clean Engergy, Common Hawkweed, Confinement, Corona Virus, Covid-19, dusk, Europe, Evening, Fall, flora, Flower, France, French, Golden hour, Hieracium lachenalii, Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs), Ille-et-Vilaine, Lockdown, Pandemic, Photovoltaic, Plechatel, Plêchatel, quarantine, Renewable energy, Solar Energy, Solar panels, Sunset, twilight, Weed, Wind turbine, yellow hawkweed